Every storm runs out of rain
Aromatherapy Dori Bell Aromatherapy Dori Bell

Every storm runs out of rain

A quick form of self care that goes a long way to support a calm, happy nervous system and strong immune system: essential oils. When life is beating you down, reach for these essential oils to help you stand up and rise above.

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Aromatherapy Dori Bell Aromatherapy Dori Bell


I feel pulled, strongly and viscerally, into this exploration of how our bodies experience life separate from our minds. They are in the world, part of it, absorbing it as light waves through our eyes. Molecules of flowers, leaves, earth, entering us through our noses. Touching a tree – we feel its touch back.

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Tips for blending essential oils into fragrant masterpieces
Aromatherapy Dori Bell Aromatherapy Dori Bell

Tips for blending essential oils into fragrant masterpieces

There are a lot of variables when formulating an essential oil blend, as you probably have discovered. Even if you’re using a recipe from a certified aromatherapist, you may be surprised by the difference in scent between what you created and their version of the blend.

Here are a few tips that will help you feel more confident about blending essential oils and get you beautifully fragrant results.

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Digestion is about more than food
Aromatherapy, Creativity Dori Bell Aromatherapy, Creativity Dori Bell

Digestion is about more than food

Digestion is not just for food. Ideas, knowledge, and new experiences all require digestion before we can implement the new knowledge and make lasting changes to our lives, mental states, and emotional health. I use Bay Laurel essential oil for its ability to help us digest on every level and step forward with confidence in ourselves and our abilities.

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