The Blossom Bar

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Creating a Seasonal Atmosphere with Essential Oils

Evoke the feeling of Spring, Summer, Winter or Fall any time of year, or provide an extra boost to the season at hand with essential oils.Each season we instinctively mirror the activities of Nature. Spring is a time of rebirth for the flowers, trees, and animals, and a time of "spring cleaning" of our homes, minds, and hearts for us. Essential oils with energetic brightness like bergamot, lemon verbena, and lime support new beginnings and fresh starts. Summer is a time of growth and well-being in Nature, as it is a time when we naturally are more active, drawn to the outdoors, and feeling relaxed. Those feelings can be evoked year round with the gorgeous floral notes of neroli, rose, and ylang ylang essential oils.Autumn innately brings back-to-school busyness (even if you aren't in school anymore) and a deep desire to complete any lingering projects from the Spring and Summer. We see this in Nature, too, with the squirrels storing away their nuts, and the bounty of the Summer growing season ready for harvest. Essential oils like melissa, cypress, and nutmeg support our need to keep our energy up as we scurry from place to place and complete our to do lists.Winter finds animals hibernating, plants and trees digging deep into the earth, Nature quietly at rest and restoring its energy. Our lives also slow down, and we nestle in with our families. We tend to be more introspective and quiet this time of year, with its longer nights and shorter days. Essential oils that can help us adapt and thrive during Winter are warming spices like cardamom, cinnamon, and clove.Download the full Seasonal Atmosphere infographic