Digestion is about more than food
Aromatherapy, Creativity Dori Bell Aromatherapy, Creativity Dori Bell

Digestion is about more than food

Digestion is not just for food. Ideas, knowledge, and new experiences all require digestion before we can implement the new knowledge and make lasting changes to our lives, mental states, and emotional health. I use Bay Laurel essential oil for its ability to help us digest on every level and step forward with confidence in ourselves and our abilities.

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Ignite your creativity and your business with aromatherapy

Ignite your creativity and your business with aromatherapy

What is creativity to you? Beyond the arts that many equate with creative pursuits lies a whole world of creativity that is crucial to entrepreneurs and anyone else looking to stand out in their industry.

Originality, unique ways of expressing thoughts, ideas, and feelings, and imaginative problem solving require our creativity.

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