The Blossom Bar

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Best of 2010

Sure, anyone can put together a Best of 2010 in 2010. I chose1 instead to wait until three months into 2011 so that my list will be a nostalgic trip back in time, to those innocent, halcyon days of 2010 when gas was under $5 a gallon and Japan was geographically and architecturally intact2.

I've put these songs roughly in order of my love of them. Depending on the day and my mood all of these songs have held the top spot. Looking back, though, the ones I've put in spots one through seven (roughly) are my absolute faves of the year.

Song, band and live show of 2010 all go to The Joy Formidable. They had some tough competition especially for best live show3. I adore this band. They are amazing, put out a rock solid album, tore it up live, and are cute as buttons.

Without further ado, my Best of 2010.In the coming days I'll post lovingly about why each song made it here. For now, I hope you enjoy the music without the reasons why.


1 And by "chose" I mean "procrastinated the crap out of"
2 Mother Nature's latest reminder that we are not in charge
3 Hats off to Hot Chip and Dandy Warhols particularly