

Protocols & Books

AromaPsychology Protocols

Cognitive & Olfactory Enrichment

Please contact me for more information about this protocol.

Shopping List:

Nebulizing Diffuser *

Ultrasonic Cool Mist Diffuser *

Rosemary essential oil (Rosemary ct Cineole, 15 ml)

Peppermint, India - Organic (Mentha x piperita L., 15 ml)

Diffuser Video Series:

Diffusing Wisdom, Part 1: Pros and Cons of Essential Oil Diffusers - Nebulizing vs. Ultrasonic Diffusers

Diffusing Wisdom, Part 2: Why and When to Diffuse Essential Oils

Diffusing Wisdom, Part 3: Safety When Using Essential Oil Diffusers

An Aromatherapist’s Library of Recommended Resources

Natural Perfumery

Essence & Alchemy - A Natural History of Perfume, Mandy Aftel (2022) *

Fragrant: The Secret Life of Scent, Mandy Aftel (2014) *

* This is an affiliate link. By using this link to access the vendor’s website, the purchase will supply me with a little bit of credit I can reinvest in my business. I appreciate you and your support!