Happy yet Perplexed.. Happlexed? Perplappy?

WFUVAfter 15 years of lamenting the lame commercialism of NYC radio, I am thrilled to my core to find WFUV waaaaayyy down at 90.7. Where did this station come from? I mean, besides Fordham U? Was it always tucked away playing new indie and alt music and I somehow never landed on it during the 7,000 times I've circled the stations in search of anything that wasn't spit out by a computer play list or paid for by a corporation? In any case, we have found each other, and I am in love. I actually caught myself staring out the window this afternoon daydreaming about WFUV.It was the show "This Is Only a Test" that caught my attention this past Friday night. The show is a teaser for the roll out of new programming for the fall -- more indie. I'm sooooo happy. I got into my car after yet another first/last date with a guy off the online dating site I'm currently being disappointed by, and was completed shocked when the dial landed on what sounded like actual real good music. Shocked. I kept listening, afraid to turn the station or even touch the dash board in case I'd somehow tapped into Radio Brigadoon. Song after song, all good. All stuff I hadn't heard before THAT I LIKED by artists I knew and some I DIDN'T. Heaven. I was in heaven. I even stayed in the car after arriving at my house to finish out the song that was playing: We Are Rock Stars by Does It Offend You, Yeah? Heaven! I rushed upstairs, downloaded the album and danced around my kitchen like an music video hootchie mamma. Take that, Latest Bad Internet Date! With your "That's it... drink more of your water... the date rape drug I put in it hasn't kicked in yet" sense of humor and your huge 15-months-pregnant belly.



